I see what you mean and in principle, I agree. It’s all right, we told you what to dream”. In the words of Pink Floyd: “Welcome my son, welcome to the machine. Yes, life is more than all that and you can choose to ignore all this and set sights on another way of life, but you’re still clobbered by the incessant and sometimes subtle influence of marketing everywhere you go. We’ve gone from being a market economy to being a market society – not the kind of place I want to live in or participate in full-time. Its bad enough that the TVs & radios blurts this constant stream of nonsense 24hrs a day, every 8-10 minutes but now, regular folks (for whom the computer is almost just an “entertainment center”) who use those newer metro-type interfaces see another one of their daily tools or “appliance” hiijacked by all those benevolent corporations that “have something that might interest you”, “try to help you”, “have something you can’t live without”, etc. Wherever you go, there are fewer and fewer places where you are not assaulted with a “get this”, “buy that”, “on sale”, “best product”, etc. My reaction about them being pushed to the machine has more to do with the fact that as a society, just about everything nowadays has to be, or is, monetized. Of course, in the traditional desktop view there are no adverts. Since I’m a “desktop” guy and to me computers are mostly a “tool for a purpose”, the 1st thing I did was configure so the OS would display the traditional desktop instead of the tiles.

Tap on the Windows-key, type gpedit.msc, and hit enter.
#“long path tool” update#
It seems likely that Microsoft will make it available with the Anniversary Update that it plans to release this Summer.
#“long path tool” windows 10#
Please note that the feature is currently only available as part of the latest Fast Ring Windows 10 Insider Build.